Buy all kinds of natural Sabalan honey + price
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Natural Sabalan honey: Plant OriginUnique CharacteristicsHoneycomb: Medicinal and Therapeutic PropertiesHoney Health: Improving Well-being
Natural Sabalan honey is one of the most precious and valuable products harvested from the slopes of Mount Sabalan.
With its rich composition and numerous properties, this honey holds a special place in human life.
Natural Sabalan honey
Natural Sabalan honey: Plant Origin
The diversity of plants growing in this region, from fragrant fruits and beautiful flowers to medicinal plants beneficial for health, can all be distinctly recognized in the composition and flavor of Sabalan honey. Approximately three thousand plant species are found in this region.
These areas are pristine, and their honey is exceptionally delicious and nutritious. It is worth trying once to become a lifelong fan.
Wild and medicinal plants with amazing properties grow here.
Species such as mint, night-scented flowers, poppies, chickpeas, irises, and buttercups, among others, emit unique fragrances.
Unique Characteristics
One of the interesting features of natural Sabalan honey is the presence of thyme in the vegetation of the mountains in this region.
Thyme is a plant with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties, especially beneficial for the stomach.
These properties make Sabalan honey play a significant role in strengthening the human immune system and act as a natural antibiotic.
Additionally, thyme can be effective in reducing symptoms of respiratory diseases such as coughs and colds.
Natural Sabalan honey has high antioxidant properties.
The antioxidant compounds present in this honey can help combat oxidative damage and premature aging, contributing to maintaining youthful skin, overall health, and preventing age-related diseases.
Honey health
Honeycomb: Medicinal and Therapeutic Properties
Another plant that grows on the slopes of Mount Sabalan is astragalus, which stores rich minerals such as iron, manganese, potassium, and vitamin C.
This abundant plant leads to a rich and beneficial extract for skin health, hair care, and strengthening the human immune system.
Additionally, astragalus contains antioxidant compounds that can help prevent cardiovascular diseases and reduce related inflammations.
Natural Sabalan honey also contains nectar from various chamomile species, which have calming and anti-anxiety properties.
This honey can help regulate sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, relieve nerve pain, and improve overall mental well-being.
Chamomile also has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, which can be effective in reducing pain and inflammation related to joints and muscles.
It is beneficial for children’s growth, effective for diabetics due to its low sucrose content, and helpful in treating and even preventing osteoporosis.
It also acts as a disinfectant for the digestive system.
Honey Health: Improving Well-being
Natural Sabalan honey, as a rich source of natural compounds and amazing properties, can be beneficial for improving health and enhancing the quality of human life.
From the diverse characteristics of the plants on Mount Sabalan to the mineral and vitamin compounds present in this honey, daily use of natural Sabalan honey can lead to improved physical and mental health.
Additionally, natural Sabalan honey is recognized as a powerful source of natural energy. With the natural sugars present in honey, humans can obtain the necessary energy for their daily activities.
This natural energy provides sustained and continuous energy without increasing blood glucose levels.
In spring Sabalan honey, bees produce it by feeding on the nectar of spring flowers and plants, giving it properties distinct from autumn honey.
The nature of this honey is moderate, making it suitable for everyone.
Honey is widely used in the confectionery industry, especially in making baklava and qottab.
Its price starts from 100,000 Tomans and can go up to 500,000 Tomans.
Consume this food in moderation, as its high energy content can lead to weight gain if consumed excessively. Did you know that consuming 100 grams of honey provides approximately 320 calories?