Purchase and price of various types of natural honey for export
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Natural honey for export: Types of Export HoneyIranian HoneySidr Honey: Reasons for PopularityHoney Density and Sales MarketsHoney Nectar
Natural honey for export is one of the most natural and beneficial foods that has been used by humans since ancient times.
From the past to the present, honey has been recognized as a rich source of nutrients and medicinal properties, and due to its therapeutic and antibacterial qualities, it has always been popular and in demand.
Natural honey for export
Natural honey for export: Types of Export Honey
There are various types of natural honey for export, which, due to their unique characteristics and benefits, have managed to maintain their position in the global market for export honey.
Among the popular and best-selling types of natural honey for export are organic honey, multi-floral honey, and mountain honey. These types of honey hold a special place among consumers and different tastes due to their flavor and therapeutic properties.
Thyme honey, with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, is one of the most popular therapeutic honeys used for throat and respiratory issues.
Astragalus honey and orange blossom honey are other types of natural honey for export that are highly popular among consumers due to their pleasant taste and antioxidant, strengthening, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Iranian Honey
Acacia honey and fennel honey have secured their place in the global market due to their unique characteristics, such as being antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and soothing.
Wild honey and Manuka honey are other types of export honey that have gained significant attention from consumers due to their unique features.
From therapeutic properties to flavor and nutritional analysis, these types of honey have all succeeded in offering high-quality and distinctive products.
Ultimately, natural honey for export is one of the best options for meeting human nutritional and medicinal needs.
Sidr Honey: Reasons for Popularity
Choosing from various types of natural honey for export and using them can help improve health conditions and boost energy and well-being.
As a consumer, it is always better to use high-quality and reputable natural honey for export to fully benefit from its nutrients and properties.
Natural honey for export is one of the best natural and nutrient-rich sources for the body, which can help improve health and increase energy.
Organic honey, with its dense texture and pleasantly bitter taste, can be a suitable choice for individuals with specific tastes and dietary needs.
This type of honey is consumed as a natural and healthy food, either on its own or with other ingredients.
Honey Density and Sales Markets
The export of honey is on the rise, with most exports going to countries such as Russia, Germany, China, Saudi Arabia, and India.
This natural honey for export is shipped in bulk in 20-foot containers. Shipping by sea is more cost-effective than air or land transportation.
One of the challenges and barriers to exporting honey is meeting international standards. Some European and Australian countries have stricter standards for exporting natural honey for export.
For example, the honey must be free from chemical contamination and harmful substances and must be organic.
Additionally, the packaging and label of the honey must be clear and transparent, with labeling done according to permits and standards, and the information about the honey must be written in English.
Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the regulations of each country before exporting.
Exporting honey can generate foreign exchange for the country. The price of natural honey for export depends on its quality.
Honey on the side
Honey Nectar
To export honey, you must have a health certificate, standard certificate, food and pharmaceutical facility certificate, and a nutritional value certificate for the honey.
The annual honey production in the country is approximately 85,000 tons, of which about 10,000 tons are exported.