The price of Shiraz mountain honey + wholesale distribution of the factory

Shiraz mountain honey is one of the distinctive and valuable Iranian products that is known all over the world. This type of honey is produced in the Shiraz region of Fars province and has some unique characteristics.
Shiraz mountain honey
The origin of honey
Shiraz mountain honey is extracted from oak, avocado, tangerine and other fragrant mountain plants and flowers. This honey has a very special value and taste because the bees of this region collect fragrant flowers from high and mountainous places.
One of the attractive features of Shiraz mountain honey is its sweet yet bitter taste, which gives it a unique tool for measuring taste. Also, this honey is recommended to people who are looking for natural solutions to improve their health due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
Types of flavored honey
Properties of honey
Shiraz mountain honey is known as a strong antioxidant that can help preserve the youth of the skin and prevent the reduction of the body’s defense power. These unique features of mountain honey have caused it to be used in cosmetics and health industries as well.
Therefore, Shiraz honey, with its unique combination of Shiraz plants with numerous health and healing properties, is an excellent choice for people who are looking for a natural, pure and useful product as optimal nutrition and treatment.
Mountain honey also has a special place in the culture and customs of Iranian people. This type of honey is used as a symbol of love, beauty and peace in Iranian literature and culture. Since ancient times, honey has been added to famous Iranian traditions and poems as a symbol of beauty and goodness. Literature and honey have a special place in this field of artistic and cultural life of Iran.
Quality honey texture
Natural shiraz mountain honey
Also, Shiraz mountain honey, as a distinctive and high-quality product, attracts tourists and visitors to its production areas. Tourists interested in experiencing the special taste and properties of mountain honey travel to this area, and this contributes to the credibility of biotourism and local development.
Shiraz honey, as a valuable symbol of the nature and culture of Iran, has been appreciated and appreciated by the people of this land, with its many taste and properties, as well as its positive effects on the health and beauty of the body. Choosing Shiraz honey as the only special and unique honey is a pleasant and useful experience for anyone who is looking for a unique combination of pleasure and health in a safe natural product.
It is called natural honey because the bees feed on the nectar of the flowers and they do not give sugar to the bees. Since bees feed on many plants, they also produce special honey. Wild honey, which is found in the nature of Shiraz and on the slopes of the mountains, and the hives are created by the bees themselves, is also very popular. Of course, the price of wild honey varies from 1 million to 2 million.
It goes without saying that wild wax also has countless properties, but after chewing it should not be swallowed because it is not possible for the stomach to digest it. Natural honey is rich in minerals needed by the body and also contains various proteins, vitamins and fats. The sweetness of honey is due to the sugars sucrose, glucose and fructose that help produce energy. The reason for the properties of mountain honey is the presence of various minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, zinc and calcium in this special honey. In addition, the presence of iron and B vitamins can treat anemia in some people.minerals needed by the body and also have various types of protein, vitamins, and fat
The sweetness of honey is due to sucrose, glucose, and fructose sugars, which help to create energy The reason for the properties of Shiraz mountain honey is the presence of various minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, zinc, and calcium in this special honey In addition, the presence of iron and vitamins of group B can cure anemia in some people