The effect of the variety of export honey production on the price
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Investigating the special color and texture of exported honeyHard and sticky honey is better or dilutedQuality honey storage conditionsThe price of exported honey
Exported honey in our country is considered the best type of honey and beekeepers put the best quality honey in high quality packages. The purchase of this type of honey is also done inside the country, and customers of first-class honeys can place their order among these products.
Honeys intended for export are carefully packed to prevent any contamination. Since these honeys travel a long distance to reach the customer, they must be in packages that have the necessary resistance against bacteria and microbes in every way, and also do not get damaged under the impact of various blows and pressures. .
The presence of natural color and aroma in this honey is very important and it makes foreign customers trust Iranian products and make more purchases from the variety of export honey production. The expansion of buying and selling honey with the Middle East and European countries brings significant foreign exchange profits for the country.
The sales representatives who export this honey comply with all the necessary standards so that they can proceed within the framework of the law and avoid problems in order to open the way for wider transactions.
Variety of export honey production
Investigating the special color and texture of exported honey
The variety of export honey production is expanding day by day, and the types of honey offered in the market have unique colors and textures due to their properties. Iran is known as a four-season region and since natural plants grow in all parts of this land, this country can also be introduced as the cradle of honey production. The following are among the most popular types of honey:
- Thyme honey: It has a medium texture that is neither too hard nor too thin and has a pleasant thyme aroma. This honey has a unique texture and is absorbed as soon as it is placed in the mouth and combined with the secreted saliva.
- Kanaar honey: This product has cold properties and depending on which climate region it is produced, it has a clear or dark texture. Honey has a sweet and mild taste and is considered the best option to combine with other foods.
- Orange spring honey: amber or light golden color is one of the appearance characteristics of this honey and attracts the buyer. The many and unique properties in this product have added to its appeal.
Export honey concentration
Hard and sticky honey is better or diluted
The thickness or thinness of honey does not indicate its high or low quality, and the variety of export honey production in our country is based on the climatic region related to honey production.
The base of the plant, which is a source of food for bees, determines the concentration and stickiness of honey. Usually, in dry and hot regions, honeys are produced that have more cohesion between their molecules and are known as thick honey. The stickiness of these honeys is higher than other samples and they need more time to dissolve in other liquids.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the concentration criterion is not a suitable indicator for determining the quality of honey, and it is not possible to make an accurate decision based on it to choose a suitable and high-quality honey. People who have enough experience in choosing high-quality honey can choose the best option by considering different criteria. It is suggested to go to the main sales agents to buy the product without problems and make your purchase with more confidence.
Production of the best natural honey
Quality honey storage conditions
Keeping honey in optimal conditions allows you to enjoy its benefits for a longer period of time. Honey has a structure that does not spoil, and by observing various points related to the proper storage of honey, these products can be stored for a long time.
It is important to note that if you consume honey immediately after buying it, you can enjoy its benefits to a great extent. The longer you keep honey, its properties will decrease over time. The reason for this problem is the existence of chemical reactions that take place between the compounds in honey, and for this reason, a small percentage of the properties of this valuable substance may be lost.
Keeping honey away from direct sunlight is the most important thing to keep in mind to preserve this nutrient with all its properties. Also, placing honey in sealed containers that you have properly insulated prevents oxygen and reactive agents from entering the package and preserves the health of the honey.
The positive effects of honey on the skin
The price of exported honey
The variety of export honey production is one of the basic factors in determining the price of honey. The main sales representatives also measure the price of each type of honey and determine the price according to the quality.
The price of honey exported from Iran to other countries is very reasonable compared to their quality, and this has made foreign customers to be very interested in ordering honey from high-quality Iranian products.
The price of the best and highest quality first-class Iranian honey is set at around 600 to 1800 thousand tomans, which changes according to the quality of the product. You, dear ones, can visit the site and contact our experts to be informed about the latest prices and place your order.