The quality of Iran’s exported honey + purchase price
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When is the honey health test done?Why does honey spread easily in the mouth?Benefits of honey creamsIran's export honey price
The quality of Iran’s exported honey has a unique nutritional value, and you can find all kinds of vitamins and antioxidants in this Iranian product. The reputation of the healing miracle of Iranian honey has gone beyond the borders of this country and many European and Asian countries have bought Iranian products.
Exported honeys are produced in the best possible conditions and beekeepers do their best to improve the quality of these products. In this way, it is used to treat many diseases such as infectious diseases, asthma, heart diseases, etc.
The honey production process in Iran is completely hygienic, and due to the modernization of the production process of this food item, it can be said that all the necessary standards for harvesting a useful product have been considered.
During the production of honey, inspectors and experts conduct numerous inspections to ensure that all necessary points are fully observed and possible defects are removed so that a flawless product can be presented to the world markets.
Considering that Iran’s rich soil has provided a suitable platform for the production of high-quality honey, it can be concluded that the increasing number of Iranian honey customers is not far from expected, and many interested people outside the borders of this country are looking for small and large orders. They go to register to get this quality product.
The quality of Iran’s exported honey
When is the honey health test done?
As it was said, the honeys produced in Iran are of good quality, and professional beekeepers who have been working in the field of honey harvesting for many years, make a lot of effort to produce this product.
Carrying out various specialized tests at different and special times will increase The quality of Iran’s exported honey and this will make those interested in buying Iranian honey satisfied with their purchases and reorders.
The types of tests that are performed on honey at different times are:
- Pre-harvest testing: conducting tests related to the time before harvesting honey ensures that if there is an error, it will be corrected, and thus the health of the honey will be determined, and there will be no worries about the loss of honey quality.
- Packaging time: The process of harvesting honey and its packaging must be done in completely favorable and standard conditions, and special tests are also performed at this stage to separate high-quality honeys from 2nd and 3rd grade samples.
- During the storage period: conducting continuous tests in specific time intervals will ensure that this product is kept in perfect health and its quality will not decrease until it reaches the customer.
Export honey with wax
Why does honey spread easily in the mouth?
Iran’s natural honey has unique physical and chemical properties, all of which make this food material have a moderate stickiness and easily combine with oral saliva and become available to cells.
Natural sugars such as glucose and fructose present in honey help to melt it quickly and cause the molecules of this substance to be destroyed in a very short time. In this way, these molecules are quickly placed in the bloodstream and transported throughout the body.
The slippery nature of honey molecules is one of the most important reasons for its rapid absorption and makes it easy to spread inside the mouth. These features are only found in natural and first-class honeys, and they make the consumer’s need to be met when the body needs energy and sugar.
Texture of Iran’s exported honey
Benefits of honey creams
All kinds of natural and organic cosmetic creams that are available in the market today are made on the basis of honey, which are very useful for rejuvenating the skin and keeping it fresh. The use of these creams has many benefits for the consumer, one of which is the removal of skin inflammations.
The quality of Iran’s exported honey is at a high level, and for this reason, it can be considered one of the main ingredients in honey cosmetic creams. This cream is the main enemy of all kinds of bacteria that live on the skin and cause it to age.
Damaged skin that has been exposed to high temperatures is also repaired using these creams and is getting closer to its original state day by day. Also, continuous use of honey creams will help you to find proper immunity against skin erosive factors and remove the worry of various wrinkles in different parts of the skin of the face or body.
Another important benefit of using these creams is to eliminate pimples and acne. Since natural honey has great power in removing skin inflammations, it can be considered an effective option to reduce the swelling of pimples and prevent its development and spread.
Types of honey rejuvenating cream
Iran’s export honey price
The quality of Iran’s exported honey is the most important factor that determines the price of this product, and since the honeys produced in the country have different levels of quality according to the climate and related plants, they have different prices.
Currently, the best and highest quality types of honey, thyme, etc. are sold in the price range of 600 to 1,800 thousand Tomans. People who are looking to make a safe and accurate purchase can get the latest prices from our professional and experienced sales experts.
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