Semi-nutritional mountain honey is a natural and organic product with unique characteristics that has garnered the attention of many customers both domestically and internationally. This honey is collected from the nectar of the finest mountain plants, and due to the favorable climatic conditions in Iran, as well as the extensive plant diversity in the mountainous regions of the country, it can be said that this product has a distinctive flavor.
The taste of this honey is so delightful that consumers can remember it for a long time and use it for traditional remedies. The therapeutic properties of this honey are numerous, and since it is produced using mountain plants, it is free from any contamination. As you know, high-altitude and mountainous areas are far from urban pollution, and the plants that grow in these regions are also free from any contamination, making them completely natural and organic.
For this reason, honeys derived from mountain plants are rich in health benefits and can help maintain overall well-being. This product is sold in both global and domestic markets, and the largest buyers and distributors of honey make their annual purchases from Iranian products. Based on the aforementioned points, it can be concluded that the reason for the increase in exports of this product from Iran to neighboring and non-neighboring countries is none other than the quality of Iranian honey.
Semi-nutritional mountain honey
Therapeutic Properties of Semi-Nutritional Mountain Honey
Sometimes, semi-nutritional mountain honey is produced by irresponsible producers who offer a product that lacks high quality and adequate sucrose levels. Semi-nutritional honey must be produced to standard, containing an appropriate amount of sucrose and being certified.
Some producers, due to the presence of cold seasons, use sugar water or concentrated syrup in the hives to produce unnatural honey, which is sold as semi-nutritional honey. This type of honey is not verifiable and cannot possess the properties of natural honey.
Semi-nutritional mountain honey for export, introduced to the market by reputable producers, is reliable in terms of standards and can have many therapeutic properties. These honeys can help maintain digestive function and increase energy levels, and due to the presence of natural sugars and the beneficial activity of bees, they also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
You can use this honey to reduce skin and internal allergies and benefit from it as a rich source of vitamins and minerals. The use of this honey occurs throughout the year, both domestically and internationally, and the export volume of this product is increasing significantly.
Stages of Production and Harvesting of Mountain Honey
Semi-nutritional mountain honey for export goes through various stages of production, allowing farmers to provide this product to esteemed buyers. The first step is for the farmer to select a suitable and pristine location for honey production, with various mountainous regions in Iran being the best options. The stages of producing this product are as follows:
- The chosen location must be near plants that have suitable nectar for honey production and are far from urban pollution. Professional beekeepers know well in which regions plants grow most abundantly and have better flowering. These farmers also accurately determine the time for honey harvesting.
- The next step involves proper hive management, ensuring the health of the bees, providing them with adequate food and water, and controlling pests and expelling intruders from the hives. Farmers pay close attention to this stage, as the more precisely it is carried out, the more directly it impacts the quality of the honey.
- After the honey is extracted, it is carefully and accurately packaged. Professional producers use stylish yet reliable containers for packaging the honey. Secure and reliable packaging prevents honey leakage and preserves the properties of this nutritious substance.
The best semi-nutritious mountain honey
Pricing of Mountain Honey and the Export Market Status
The price of semi-nutritional mountain honey for export is influenced by several factors, the first of which is the quality of the honey. Honeys with higher quality are priced higher, and products with more therapeutic properties are similarly priced.
Production costs are also among the factors that affect honey pricing. Costs incurred for packaging or employing human resources fall into this category.
The supply and demand of honey in domestic and international markets can also significantly impact honey prices. By researching and analyzing the honey export market, it can be concluded that this golden product has shone brightly in foreign markets due to its unique and special characteristics.
As observed today, despite various challenges in the Iranian honey export market, the export of this product continues at a satisfactory level, and producers of this honey are fully satisfied with the export volume.
If you, dear readers, are seeking more information about the quality and structure of mountain honeys produced in Iran and are interested in learning about exporting this product, you can contact us through the phone numbers provided on the website and also stay updated on the latest prices of this product.